SKD liturgy committee is open to any parishioner with an interest in worship at our parish. People can join working groups to address issues of interest, to help the smooth administration of various ministries, and/or attend monthly meetings for stimulating discussion. Contact Mary Quigley, chairperson, or Todd Flowerday for more information. Guests and other curious people are always welcome at our meetings.
Mary David, AED (art, environment, decoration)
Todd Flowerday, staff liaison
John Gambino, at-large
Kate Gambino, at-large
John Kaluza, at-large
Shirley Martin, sacristans
Cindy McKay, AED (art, environment, decoration)
Mary Powell, music ministry
Mary Quigley, chairperson
Judy Rothfork, at-large
Steve Scharber, ushers
Megan Silbernagel, at-large
Mary Young, lectors